Reclaim Play
To the Parent Who Knows That Parenting Doesn't Have to Suck:
Stress Free Parenting Doesn't Just Happen...
It is Created!

To the Parent Who Knows That Parenting Doesn't Have to Suck:
Stress Free Parenting Doesn't Just Happen... It is Created!
With Results Like These:
“Reclaim Play really changed the energy in my house from me entertaining them to a stress-free, calm place. I saw, little by little, my children were calmer and I became a more peaceful loving parent. It helped me fall in love with parenting.”

- Leah
“My son went from playing independently for about 45 min/day to 2 hours/day and some days 3 hours. That's an extra $6,000 over the past year from working those extra hours at home. For a family that was struggling to pay for rent and groceries, this was a HUGE win."

- Nicole
“The Kids play between 2 and 3 hours so creatively every day. It fulfills them and they are thriving by it. I've learned play is vital, play is beautiful, and us adults should do more of it too.”

- Jo
It's no wonder our members are raving about our powerful method for creating a play-filled childhood...
With Results Like These:
“Reclaim Play really changed the energy in my house from me entertaining them to a stress-free, calm place. I saw, little by little, my children were calmer and I became a more peaceful loving parent. It helped me fall in love with parenting.”

- Leah
“My son went from playing independently for about 45 min/day to 2 hours/day and some days 3 hours. That's an extra $6,000 over the past year from working those extra hours at home. For a family that was struggling to pay for rent and groceries, this was a HUGE win."

- Nicole
“The Kids play between 2 and 3 hours so creatively every day. It fulfills them and they are thriving by it. I've learned play is vital, play is beautiful, and us adults should do more of it too.”

- Jo
It's no wonder our members are raving about our powerful method for creating a play-filled childhood...
Parenting can be totally overwhelming.
Parenting can be totally overwhelming.
Whether you're a new parent, confused by the seven trillion resources about parenting the “right way” or an experienced parent who's juggling, hustling, and trying to do. it. all...

Parenting can be a struggle at the best of times and completely overwhelming at the worst of times.

It can feel like Toys R Us
threw up in your living room. 
It can feel like Toys R Us
threw up in your living room. 
Parenting seems to come with so many responsibilities and so much "stuff" to handle!

It can make even the most organized among us a bit of a hoarder.

Kids come with all this "junk" and they even color on the walls, which is so 'last season'!

Every surface seems buried in useless stuff that was supposed to "entertain" and yet the kids still don't play... 
We can look around our house and feel like it's just not the high vibe sanctuary we wished for our home to be. 
You might find yourself
waiting for bedtime every day.
You might find yourself
waiting for bedtime every day.
Every family has its own unique challenges.

Maybe you've become a bit of a martyr... Taking care of everyone but yourself, longing for bedtime to roll around so you can collapse into bed... only to do it all over again the next day.

If you have an only child, you might be exhausted being "everything" to them.
Or if you have more than one, you're suddenly the Peace Keeper:
Exasperated by sibling rivalry, always scrambling to break up fights, and protect the little ones.
All of this can leave us feeling
Not. Good. Enough.  
All of this can leave us feeling
Not. Good. Enough.  
But... you deserve to enjoy your kids and they deserve to enjoy their childhood.
We all know that kids grow up in the
blink of an eye and we don’t want to look back when they’re grown and think:

coulda, woulda, shoulda.
Good News: Parenting doesn't have to be exhausting anymore - Reclaim Play is here!
Good News:
Parenting doesn’t have to be exhausting anymore - Reclaim Play is here!
Divider Text
Ready to get your child playing for hours a day?
Divider Text
By the end of the Reclaim Play program, you’ll be able to...
Have a Child Who Plays Independently
Sound like a dream? Well, in just 3 weeks - you can expect to be seeing hours of play every day. You'll become a play guru and know everything there is to know - from the design tips to the childhood development insights to get your child playing for hours a day.
Get Your Time Back
What could you do with a few more hours each day without constant clinginess? Relax with a book. Start that passion project. Finish the laundry. Do an at-home workout. Or just (gasp!) chill...? You've got stuff to do... independent play is your ticket to sanity.
Enjoy Parenting With Ease
There's nothing quite so satisfying as seeing your child absorbed in the healthiest activity: independent play. So grab your coffee - from now on, you'll get to drink it while it's hot. It's time for you to sit back, relax and enjoy parenting. 
Protect Your Child's Childhood
We all want to raise resilient, strong, healthy kids. Independent play is free, and is the best way to ensure you're meeting all of your child's developmental needs: social, emotional, physical, and academic. Take back what's been stolen - Reclaim Play. 
Mary Poppins is busy but Reclaim Play is open!
Mary Poppins is busy, but Reclaim Play is open! 
How does Reclaim Play work?
One small effective step at a time.
Reclaim Play is a proven method through a 3-week process. Each week you’ll learn a new set of skills to reshape what your home can do for you and your child. Even in just one hour a week, you'll get the results you want to see.

Everything you need to get your child playing independently is inside.
What's Inside Reclaim Play?
What's Inside
Reclaim Play 
Each week, you will be guided through a unique process to get results creating the changes you want to see.

You will have everything you need to learn in your own way:
Reclaim Play condenses vast amounts of information, research, and principles into digestible, practical solutions to clingy kids.

We break complex concepts down into bite-sized, do-able action items that you'll be inspired to implement right away, so you can truly create a life you enjoy, even with little kids, right now.
You are going to create REAL CHANGE!
You are going to create REAL CHANGE! 
The Reclaim Play Curriculum
Reclaim Play will give you the mindset and methods you need to experience time at home with your littles as joyful and calm.
Module 1
Your Home
How to transform your environment without a designer.
In This Module You'll Learn:
  • How to massively reduce stress with the #1 parenting tool that millions of parents around the world aren’t even aware of.
  • The subconscious messages you and your child are receiving all day and how to make them helpful, not harmful.
  • How to transform your approach to housekeeping, decluttering, and cleanup to make it all ridiculously manageable.
  • The crucial lifeskill your child needs to start learning now.
  • The speedy quick process that makes your life so much easier with very little effort.
  • How this one parenting hack is going to encourage your child to play for 3 hours a day.
  • The most influential secret that the best preschools in the world use.
  • Why your kids are climbing the walls and what to do about it - a simple solution with numerous benefits.
  • Plus so much more!
“I was the mom who yelled all the time and I found myself overwhelmed, tired, resentful, and angry. I joined Reclaim Play and our life is so much different now. My children play on their own which means I have time to take care of myself and my house is easy to clean because its organized. Thank you!"
Tracy | Mother of 3 | United States
Module 2
Your Self
How to become your child's most helpful guide into their world of play
In This Module You'll Learn:
  • The #1 mistake most parents are making that sabotages their children's focus and shortens their attention span.
  • How to encourage imagination and creativity.
  • The words to use to guide, encourage and even seduce your child into their imaginative worlds.
  • What play in real life actually looks like for babies, toddlers, and beyond...
  • What to do when your child says "I'm bored" - how to facilitate intrinsically motivated play.
  • How to answer, "Help me!", without harming your child's intrinsic motivation.
  • How to strengthen your child's fine and gross motor skills in all areas of life.
  • Plus so much more!
“I was never at the point of pulling my hair out with 3 kids, but I just knew things could be better. Reclaim Play has helped us immensely to live our best lives and not have everything revolve around screens. The kids started playing together and gained a deeper connection with each other. They learned how to use their imaginations!"
Samantha | Mother of 3 | Australia
Module 3
Your Child
How to utilize play to benefit your child in every area of health and development. 
In This Module You'll Learn:
  • The key to play that will allow you to sip your hot coffee, read a book and relax - even with young children at home.
  • Why it NEVER works to yell, "Go play!", and what to say instead
  • Guns, death, violence, and sex... what to do with the "dark themes" of play.
  • How you can tap into the therapeutic power of play to help your child prepare for a big transition.
  • How play can be used to make the difference between trauma and healing.
  • Why childhood is the playground for all essential skills in life
  • What to do with obsessive behaviors like dumping, throwing, and mixing orange juice with cereal. 
  • How to tell when “negative” behavior is actually normal behavior. 
  • How to encourage appropriate risk taking whilst also teaching children how to make wise and safe choices.
  • Plus so much more!
“My children were very dependent on me playing with them or even playing for them. One of the biggest transformations I have seen in my children is their real desire to play together and even on their own. They get deep into their play sometimes for hours at a time. We are finding that their play is very emotionally healing for them.”
Tanya | Mother of 5 | Canada
What would it be worth
for you to have...

What would it be worth
for you to have...
Decluttered, organized, and set up beautiful play areas that your child is drawn to.
Reduced the reliance on screen time and increased the time spent creatively. 
Relaxed on the couch and enjoyed your child's immersed, imaginative play. 
Catered to your child's need to move their bodies and grow their physical strength every day. 
Taken time for self-care, daily
Released yourself from the role of entertainer and allowed your child to discover their own independent play. 
Helped your child learn, grown, laugh, have fun, create, express themselves and develop their skills - without coercion, stress, or paying through the nose for classes. 
Finally got control over the organization in your home. 
Felt PROUD and CONFIDENT as a parent, knowing "you've got this".
Thousands of parents have Reclaimed Play and they say that it has been the best investment their family could have ever made. 
Let me do the heavy lifting for you
Let me do the heavy lifting for you. 
Hi. I'm Avital, the founder of Reclaim Play. 
I’ve read hundreds of books, taken countless courses, qualified as a parenting coach in two institutions, parented for a decade and have 5 kids of my own.

Most importantly, I’ve already helped tens of thousands of parents around the world with my proven approach.

Reclaim Play lets you leapfrog over all of the labor-intensive learning and quickly get to the bottom line.

So how much does Reclaim Play cost?
So how much does Reclaim Play cost?
In Reclaim Play, you will overcome overwhelm and get the exact game plan you need to create a home life you love for just $499!
I work from home and my son went from playing independently for about 45 min/day to 2 hours/day (and some days almost 3 hours)! That's an extra $6000 over the past year from working those extra hours from home.

For a family that was struggling to pay for rent and groceries, this was a HUGE win... so thanks Reclaim Play! Totally paid for itself in our case."

- Nicole
Reclaim Play is a proven method.
Reclaim Play is a proven method.
With thousands of people from all over the world who have already been through this program, we can say without a shadow of a doubt that Reclaim Play WORKS.

Reclaim Play has been proven with young children of all ages and temperaments.

It has benefitted a diverse range of family structures.

It has found success across a wide range of cultures, religions, and countries. 
Single parents
Foster parents 
Blended families
Young parents
Older parents
First-time parents
Experienced parents
Small families
Large families
Families with twins
Families with large age gaps
Families with tight age gaps
Work-Outside-the-Home parents
Work-At-Home parents
Stay-At-Home parents
Public schoolers
Private schoolers
Did we miss anyone?
Try Reclaim Play Risk Free!
Try Reclaim Play Risk Free!
100% Money-Back Guarantee!
We back our program with a 100% risk-free guarantee. If by 11:59pm Eastern U.S. time on the 7th day after your purchase, you don’t feel Reclaim Play is right for you — just email us with your completed coursework and you’ll get a full refund.

Please note to be eligible for a refund, you are required to complete Module 1 and emailing your request along with your completed coursework to by the 7 day deadline.
B O N U S  1
Ultimate Toy Shopping Guide
You're probably doing toys wrong...
Want to END the endless incoming of random garbage toys that end up on the junk pile and instead invest your hard earned $ on toys that your kids actually play with and last for generations? In Reclaim Play, you get to sit back, relax and enjoy parenting.
Value - $24
B O N U S  2
Strew Like A Pro
Exclusive Digital Magazine
Entice your child into deep creative play whenever the mood strikes. Not creative? Don't worry. We've got you with this look-book of endless play prompt ideas that will work with what you've already got at home... and even if you've never strewn in your life.
Value - $19
B O N U S  3
Design Skills for Beginners
Exclusive Digital Guide
You don't have to be an interior designer, have a pinterest-worthy couch, or be a trust fund baby to feel amazing in your own home. Anyone can be a designer with these stupid simple hacks to create a clean, functional, and beautiful space without renovations, expensive designers, or endless doubts.
Value - $49
B O N U S  4
Your Unique Child
Exclusive Digital Guide
Make peaceful play a reality for any child, anywhere with this in-depth Reference Guide to address your individual situation. From siblings to babies to special needs - play can happen for anyone - this guide will offer you the mindsets and solutions necessary to personalize play to your unique family.
Value - $30
B O N U S  5
The Showing Up Playbook
Exclusive Bonus Training: learn how to put the "win" in showing up in day-to-day life.
Stop spending all day waiting for bedtime. The Showing Up Playbook will lift you out of the funk, put the pep back in your step, and get you jumping out of bed ready for whatever the day throws your way!
Value - $297
Let's Recap...
Let's Recap...
Reclaim Play will transform your parenting and it's officially OPEN for enrollment...
Here's Everything You'll Get When You Join Reclaim Play Today:
The Core Reclaim Play Curriculum
A proven, simplified, and flexible system that shows you how to encourage, facilitate, and inspire hours of independent play a day. Includes in-depth mindset lessons, actionable how-to videos, and practical pdf workbooks.
4 Exclusive Bonus Guides
These beautiful and practical digital resources will solve your biggest questions and most common pain points around independent play to truly set you up for long-term success.
The Showing Up Playbook Course
This in-depth training will help you to make your success long-lasting. The practical 3-step process to winning at day-to-day family life will get you living with consistency, adventure, and joy.
Total Reclaim Play Investment $499
Reclaim Play Today
What will you choose?
What will you choose?
Alright my friend, it seems to me like you have a choice to make. 
You could either:
a) Do nothing.
b) Join Reclaim Play. 
As you already know, when you do nothing... nothing changes, and you get more of the same old frustrations.

When you do nothing:
All of the frustrating patterns continue...Your child’s behaviors stay the same...Your home life doesn’t improve...You don’t grow or learn or experience any lasting transformation... 

...and that’s OK.

Truly, it is. Not everyone is ready to make big changes in their lives.
But if you have that little voice inside that says: There must be a better way...

I'd love for you to choose option b) and join Reclaim Play - because your intuition is spot on: 
There is a better way!
Parenting is inherently challenging, I’m not gonna lie. But when you join Reclaim Play, you’ll be one of those few parents who know the secret to making life with kids so much easier. 
"It was absolutely worth it and for anyone on the fence, I don’t even know how to put it into words. There is absolutely zero hesitation in my mind that it was worth it."

- Galina
In Reclaim Play, you get to sit back, relax, and enjoy parenting.
In Reclaim Play, you get to sit back, relax and enjoy parenting.
So what’s it gonna be…

Do nothing?


Say “maybe next year”?

Will you try to piece it together yourself, only to let life get in the way while your goals fall by the wayside?
Or are you ready to say:
YES to your family
YES to a new way
YES to being the parent you want to be
YES to enjoying your children while they’re still young 
YES to rocking parenting
Not to be dramatic, but this might be the most important decision you make for improving your family’s quality of life… 
I know it was for the countless Reclaim Players who define Independent Play as


...or even “Life-Saving”

Reclaim Play Works...
Reclaim Play Works...
"My husband tells me daily how much the atmosphere in our home has improved..."

"When my youngest daughter was born, motherhood soon became quite hard on me. I felt like it was my job to be with my kids 24/7, to hold them, and entertain them non-stop. I didn't understand why they were so clingy, and whiny, and fighting, and never playing with the million toys scattered over the floor that I'd desperately tried to make them play with!

I soon felt completely depleted, even anxious and depressed at times, not enjoying motherhood like I always imagined... Was this parenting?

Fast forward a couple months to last Thursday. My girls playing quietly by themselves while I crochet in the same room... for an hour! That's huge for us! My husband, who's a lot more skeptical than I am, tells me daily how much the atmosphere in our home has improved, how he sees that the kids are less whiny, how screen time has gone from a lot to nothing, how they fight less, are more helpful, and play more, and, finally, how much more happy and relaxed I am, which makes him happy as well.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for teaching me the way and for helping me love parenting and parent from love! Forever grateful." 

Lara | Mother of 2 | The Netherlands
"They all play joyfully and independently for hours... I am a calmer and happier mom!"

"I was one of the lucky ones - I found Avital in 2015 before I had my first child. Although parenting has brought many challenges, play has never been one of them.

I now have three children, and they all play joyfully and independently for hours most days which has been a real joy and blessing for both the children and us parents. More than that, I feel independent play has given them a strong sense of capability - they are incredibly capable and know their own abilities, both physical and mental. The things they learn from play is remarkable.

Thank you, Reclaim Play, for teaching me to trust and take a step back from over-parenting. I am a calmer and happier mom - your work is truly life-changing!"

Manda | Mother of 3 | Sweden

“Reclaim Play really changed the energy in my house from me entertaining them to a stress-free, calm place.

I saw, little by little, my children were calmer and I became a more peaceful, loving parent.

It helped me fall in love with parenting.

Leah | Mother of 3 | United States
"Our house is much easier to tidy and clean... which has had a huge knock on effect on our wellbeing."

"Before I found Reclaim Play I would describe my son as very clingy and needy. He needed me next to him all the time. I was often in tears or cross with him for not letting me just sit down or chat! I felt very suffocated.

I genuinely just thought that was my lot, that my son just wasn’t ready for independent play. I knew about limiting and rotating toys but it felt way too overwhelming to do, and I also couldn’t imagine it would work.

The pivot point was screaming and crying in front of my children and feeling like it was the last straw. I read a Facebook ad about Reclaim Play describing this exact scenario and realised that maybe I needed to change something.

We’ve had so many changes since my son has developed his play muscle. While he prefers to have one of us in the room with him, he’ll usually play on his own. Our house is so much easier to tidy and clean since decluttering and reorganising the toys, which has had a huge knock on effect on our wellbeing. It’s motivated us to (slowly!) do some decluttering around the house which has resulted in a cleaner house in general!

I’ve also been able to start working on my business while they’re playing, rather than assuming I have to have them out of the house. I also love that my younger daughter is starting with this from an earlier age - she is already way more independent, and I've been able to take more time away from the children at an earlier stage which has been massive for my mental health!

I think this has been a major turning point for me and my family, not just physically because there’s more play, but mentally - we’ve shifted so many assumptions and we definitely have more of a growth mindset than before. It feels like we can be more intentional as a family, which I’d never really considered before."

Tasha| Mother of 2 | United Kingdom
"Reclaim Play helped us go from surviving to actually living and enjoying every moment."

"There was a missing piece. I had done all the research, had all the scripts, and I thought I was being empathetic. In fact, I was just checking the boxes. Before Reclaim Play, we dealt with a lot of very intense emotions and we went from being permissive to quickly becoming fed up and getting super strict and yelling. There was chaos and so much clutter! It looked like Toys R Us had exploded into my playroom. I couldn't understand why son couldn't play independently or concentrate on anything, since he had a whole room full of toys. Now I understand it's because he had too many options!

With Reclaim Play, I gained all these magical skills that helped us go from surviving to actually living and enjoying every moment. It's brought peace into my life. It was the missing piece that I was looking for to go from floundering and not knowing how to devote my energy in motherhood. It's so wonderful because now, I look at a hard day or a hard moment as an opportunity to truly be compassionate even if I'm exhausted, and then I go ahead and get through it.

It's life-changing on a level that I haven't experienced elsewhere. This has been a game-changer unlike anything else I've ever tried and it's impacted every part of my life, from being a mother to being a wife to being a business owner as well.

Reclaim Play is for anybody who wants to go from getting through their day to enjoying their day and feeling energetic about tomorrow and remembering the joy of yesterday."

Xavi | Mother of 2 | United States

"Discovering Reclaim Play has made ALL the difference to the atmosphere, flow, and energy in my home and family. I am so grateful we embraced independent play. Such a gift to the children and parents alike!

The kids play between 2 and 3 hours so creatively every day. It fulfills them and they are thriving by it. I've learned play is vital, play is beautiful, and us adults should do more of it too."

Jo | Mother of 2 | Ireland
Got questions? We've got answers.
The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know Reclaim Play will help you create the home life you desire, but perhaps you still have a touch of hesitation.

I get it - and honestly, I like that you’re really weighing this out because it shows me that once you’re inside Reclaim Play, you’ll be truly committed.

You might be thinking, “This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know if this will really work for me?!” 
Great question!
Here’s the good news: you are not even close to being the first person to try out Reclaim Play.

In fact, you can email us at where our amazing support team of fellow moms are standing by happy to answer whether or not this would be a good fit for you (all while their kids are happily playing).

You can also check out the answers to the most frequently asked questions below:
Frequently Asked Questions
What Makes Reclaim Play so Effective?
This course pulls no punches. I know you're a busy parent - I am one too - and ain't nobody got time for fluff and filler. Reclaim Play has everything you need to get your children playing for hours a day - *and nothing your don't need*. How do we boil it down to the most crucial steps? Through years and years of trial, error and testing. With thousands of graduates - this method has proven itself the world over. Literally. 
How much time will it take to go through the course?
The course is designed to be taken over the course of three weeks. We’ve deliberately designed this program to be easy-to-digest — without any fluff or filler. You'll spend about 3 hours a week watching (or listening) to the videos and taking action on what you're learning. It's definitely recommended that you dive right in and go through it immediately - because you'll get those results immediately! However, if you're strapped for time right now, you'll be able to stake it slower over the course of several weeks.
How long will I have access to the course?
Once you invest in Reclaim Play you'll have unlimited access to the course - you can go through it at your own pace and in your own time for as long as we're running the course! Once you invest in it: it's yours. You can revisit, pause and resume at will. You'll also enjoy future updates to the course - free of charge!
I'm overwhelmed right now, how will this help?
You've got too much on your plate? Welcome to the Parenting Club. When children are clingy and demanding and parents are constantly trying to entertain them - there is zero chance of getting out of survival mode. It's no way to live. But when kids play happily for long stretches of time - parents can use that time to calm the farm and get their lives in order. How would your life be easier if your child was happily entertaining themselves for hours each day? Would it allow you to get some things done? To catch a break? To finish a thought in your own head?  Do I hear a "phew"? 
I'm NOT overwhelmed, what will I get out of this?
This course isn't just for parents who feel overwhelmed - it's for ALL parents. Why? Two words: Your Child. Yup, that's right - reclaiming play isn't just for you. In fact, it's primarily for your child who benefits from playing independently tremendously and in every area of their development. Socially, emotionally, physically, psychologically, cognitively and even academically: children NEED play. You're in the perfect phase of your life to learn so much about your child and how to make the best use of your home to meet all your child's needs through this course.
What if I'm not creative?
No worries! When you join Reclaim Play you'll be getting access to everything you need to transform your home into a play-inducing haven - even if you don't have a designer bone in your body. In Module 1: Your Home - we will hold your hand and walk you through setting up the play zones, step-by-step. You'll have the Ultimate Toy Guide to tell you *exactly* which toys to purchase and which you should skip. And of course there's the bonus Ultimate Design Guide for Beginners. Anyone can be a designer with these 15 stupid simple tips to create a clean, functional and beautiful space - without renovations, expensive designers, or endless doubts.
What if I don't like playing with my kids?
Erm. That's kinda the whole point. You won't have to anymore! You can love on 'em, feed 'em, bath 'em - teach them your wise, wise ways.... but you will never have to pretend to be a fireman ever again. You will get your child to play *independently* of you, that is. 
What if I DO like playing with my kids?
Great! Keep at it! Enjoy. But once you've reclaimed independent play you will *also* be gifting them the gift of independent play - which is absolutely crucial for their healthy development. You can still play with them when the fancy strikes, of course! But don't deny them the ability, capacity and skills to dive into their own imaginative worlds, without adult assistance.
Do you have a refund policy?
We back our program with a 100% risk-free guarantee. If by 11:59pm Eastern U.S. time on the 7th day after your purchase, you don’t feel Reclaim Play is right for you — just email us with your completed coursework and you’ll get a full refund.

Please note to be eligible for a refund, you are required to complete Module 1 and emailing your request along with your completed coursework to by the 7 day deadline.
You can email We would love to help you out as quickly as we can. 
Your family is the most precious project of your life...
nothing in our life compares to the meaning we derive from raising our children.
Are you going to say YES to yourself?
Are you going to say YES to yourself?
Are you going to say YES to yourself?
Are you going to say YES to yourself?
Are you going to say YES to yourself?
Are you going to say YES to yourself?
Are you going to say YES to yourself?
Are you going to say YES to yourself?
Are you going to say YES to yourself?
Are you going to say YES to yourself?
And YES to
your FAMILY?
When you look back on it all, are you going to wistfully remember the time you spent waiting for bedtime to finally arrive? Or long for the good old days of feeling touched out and resentful?

The next three weeks are going to pass no matter what. You can keep grinding in survival mode - letting tantrums, laundry, and endless clutter spike your stress levels and leave you frustrated and exhausted. 
Stop the grind.
Right here, right now.
Your family is precious.
Your dreams are important.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Reclaim Play Today
As with any personal growth program, your results with Reclaim Play may vary from these consumer testimonials. Your results will be based on variables such as your level of effort, personal qualities, circumstances, and a host of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee your success or results, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. Reclaim Play is not a “magic bullet.” It takes effort and dedication. We provide you with a great toolbox to achieve your desired results and these students agree.
Copyright 2025 - The Parenting Junkie LLC - All Rights Reserved