Reclaim Play
Make parenting easier with the independent play that every child needs. 
Make parenting easier with the independent play that every child needs. 
All children are designed to play. 
Independent play has tremendous benefits to children’s development: physically, socially, emotionally, and even academically. It also makes parenting a lot easier. Unfortunately, play has declined so much in recent years, that now some children are living a childhood without play. Hooked on screens, clinging to parents and always discontented. That’s a missed opportunity for the child and the parent. Reclaim Play will help you bring back this lost art and get your child playing for hours a day. 
The Book
Make parenting easier with the independent play that every child needs. 
In a world where play has become a nostalgic memory of times past, where children spend more and more time on screens, where parents feel increasingly anxious: Reclaim Play, The Book will equip you with everything you need to know.

Debuting 2023, this book is set to send ripples throughout homes all over the world as parents discover the little known, yet powerful secret, of independent play. 
 Own the book already? Claim your Free Bonuses here
The *Free* Play-Inducing Haven Masterclass
Get Your Child Playing For Hours A Day
Learn How To Transform Your Home Into A Play-Inducing Haven with the 5 Play Zones all children need. In this free, on-demand masterclass you will learn the first and most effective tool to that you could be using starting today to get your child playing for hours a day (yep, hours): Your Home! This workshop blends interior design with child developmental psychology and gives you the easy steps you can take - even on a $0 budget or in a tiny shoebox sized house. 
 "This was amazing!!! Absolutely blew my mind with just one perspective shift and then came the practical advice!!! Really looking forward to shifting around my spaces and inducing more play with less stress and mess. Thank you!!!" - Josie Helen  
The Course
Give me just 3 weeks and you'll get your child playing for 3 hours a day... for the rest of their childhood.
Become a certified, bona fide Play Guru. Learn all the secrets to your child's psychology - why do they play dark or "worrying" themes? What are they learning in that big brain of theirs when they play with blocks? What attracts them to playing like a moth to the light?

Want to know how to help siblings play together, peacefully? Want to learn how to create a home environment that absolutely induces and seduces play?

Want to help your child develop their play muscle so that you can confidently travel anywhere, go to any restaurant, visit any family member - and know, without a doubt, that your child can entertain themselves... even with no toys?
"What a breather! Finally my child isn't clinging to me all day. I can enjoy her again."

- Samantha
Meet Avital
Your Guide To Reclaim Play
Avital Levy is a Family Life Designer and a mother of five who has created an online empire that inspires millions of parents around the world. Avital has taught parents from over 100 countries and from all walks of life how to create a family life they love. 
Combatting today's culture of anxiety, screen addiction and hypersensitivity - Avital offers a roadmap to guide parents who want to raise anti-fragile children.

Known for her pragmatic approach, her tough love wisdom and her belief that meaning begins at home: Avital is helping today's parents to take back the helm of their home and form an intentional family culture that blends ancient wisdom with modern living.

She is best known for her work passionately helping families to reclaim the lost art of play, to design a purposeful home life and to strengthen the relationship between the parents. Avital has led retreats internationally, spoken on stages around the world, hosts a show with over 6 Million views, and is frequently featured as an expert on such platforms as Marie Forleo, Huff Post, Mindvalley, Motherly, and The New York Times.

  • “Over a few months I noticed a marked difference in my relationship with my eldest son, and my partner. My children are a lot more content to engage themselves in creative play in this environment.”


  • “We’re much more minimalist and my 9-month-old can play independently for around 30 minutes already.”


  • Joining Reclaim Play was the best thing I could have done for me and my family.  Content is constantly being added and I pick to watch what is relevant.”


"Reclaim Play has completely transformed my family life."
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